Vercel Deployment

A guide to deploying your application on Vercel for optimal performance.

Video Tutorial Coming Soon!

Connect to Vercel

  1. Go to the Vercel Dashboard.
  2. Click Add New and select your project from the list (your most recent one will appear at the top).
  3. You can rename your project by filling out the [Publishable Key] field if necessary.
  4. Go back to your local project and copy all your environment variables found in your .env or .env.local file.
  5. Return to Vercel, open the Environment Variables dropdown, and paste them into the first field you see.
  6. Lastly, hit Deploy

Additional Resources

  • Domain Setup: Go back to the Domain Setup
  • Troubleshoots: If your project encounters any errors, refer to the troubleshooting guide: Vercel Build Troubleshooting. Alternatively, you can visit Stack Overflow for community help.

If your project encounters any errors, refer to the troubleshooting guide: Vercel Build Troubleshooting. Alternatively, you can visit Stack Overflow for community help.

Congratulation! Your website is now live on the internet, you can brag it to the world now! on how amazing your website is. There's an extra section where you can learn more how to improve your website performance. If you're interested head on to the next link. See you on the next one!

For more details on deploying to Vercel, visit:Deploying To Vercel