
A component that showcases key features of the application, designed to present concise information with accompanying icons for a visually engaging experience.

Content Structure
Responsive Design
Next.js Framework

Build scalable applications effortlessly with the powerful Next.js framework.

Email Integration

Simplify email communication with seamless integration using Resend.

Payment Solutions

Easily accept payments with Stripe or Lemon Squeezy integration.

Secure Authentication

Implement secure user authentication using NextAuth or Clerk for hassle-free login.

Verstile Database

Choose from various databases to fit your app’s unique needs.

SEO Optimization

Boost visibility with built-in SEO features powered by Next.js.

Web Analytics

Track user behavior effortlessly with Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity integration.

Ease of use

It's as easy as using an Apple, and as expensive as buying one.


The Highlights component is designed to visually highlight key features of the application, helping users quickly understand the benefits and capabilities offered.

  • Purpose: To provide a quick overview of the application's features, enhancing user understanding and engagement.
  • Content Structure: Utilizes a grid layout to display individual Highlight components, each with an icon, title, and description.
  • Responsive Design: Adjusts layout based on screen size, ensuring an optimal viewing experience across devices.